G.I.A is an up and coming rap group on the campus of Albany State University. Made up of three members, LR, VT, T-1. These three members are making waves on campus. They performed at the 1st annual Jamfest as well as having music played on the Real 92.7 radio station.
LR aka Jett Weave aka Government official name Robert M. Weaver the second is 22 years of age and is currently part of a up and coming rap/hip hop group that goes by the name of G.I.A. LR was born in Hollywood Florida and raised in Ft. Lauderdale Florida in his neighborhood called Deepside along the streets 55th and 19th. LR has been writing since the age of 15 but never actually started recording until years later. It wasn't until 2008 when he would meet fellow group members VT VETTY and T1 aka Vernon Thomas and Anthony Holt.
T-1 was born Anthony Holt J.R. on May 3, 1987. He resides in Atlanta, ga, where he as always had an interest in music. T-1 has played varied instruments and written songs, but it wasn't until 2008 where he would start recording in a studio! Anthony is now studying Business Manangment at Albany State University.
V.T. VETTY AKA MR.52 WAS BORN VERNON THOMAS JR. ON MAY 16,1987 IN BROOKLYN,NY. Vernon moved to Atlanta,ga when he was five years old and has been there ever since. V.T. has always had a passion for music growing up engulfed in old school music from the temptations,Otis Redding, Sam cook and more.AT A SCHOOL FUNCTION FALL 2007 at A.S.U. V.T. CAME UP WITH THE NAME OF THE FUTURE BUSINESS/ LABEL G.I.A. ENTERTAINMENT(GET IT ALL). THE FOLLOWING YEAR LINKING UP WIT ROBERT WEAVER BKA L.R., but it wasnt until 2008 before he would start recording in a studio.
Check out their page click here:
Here is their current mixtape: "All In"
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